Scouts will now be a little worse prepared after they were banned from carrying their traditional penknives due to the fears of those in charge of health and safety.
By Chris Irvine Published: 10:44AM BST 06 Sep 2009Dave Budd, a knife-maker who runs courses training Scouts about the safe use of blades, wrote that the growing problem of knife crime meant action had to be taken.
"Sadly, there is now confusion about when a Scout is allowed to carry a knife," he wrote. "The series of high-profile fatal stabbings [has] highlighted a growing knife culture in the UK.
"I think it is safest to assume that knives of any sort should not be carried by anybody to a Scout meeting or camp, unless there is likely to be a specific need for one. In that case, they should be kept by the Scout leaders and handed out as required."
Pronunciation: \ˌwi-lē-ˈni-lē\
Function: adverb or adjective
Etymology: alteration of will I nill I or will ye nill ye or will he nill he
Date: 1608
1 : by compulsion : without choice
2 : in a haphazard or spontaneous manner
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